f4 Thank vou very much for your fmmedfate consideration of this matter. I Took forwerc to your early response so that we might resolve the {fssue to the benefit and satisfaction of all concerned. fe= = Bel fyvise ER.39 n ee Wechhsl2 Sincerely, Be- Air S76 3/5) Hamat sade ee ee eben Alex G. renting Khom Scottie Acting Assistant Secretary TT Envfronmental Protection, Sfiim~- 75-781 Safety, and Emergency Prepareanese ETS SYMBOL Ao TG SYMBOL - hee TALS = 4eteeee bur ¥t yes) soon Note: Revised per Mr. Bagley's request. See attached for previous concurrences. age [rtc See +e IhTHAreve AGFrem! i DATE. 3/ vee orn /8) ———— Bra SrYMEDL rere rr | Ih TAS SIG DATE e400 een eee ATS SYME5L te pee eee Oe IN TIALS SIG FTG SYMBOL ty TIALS 512. DATE ATS S*MESe ance wee eee EPO OR INTHALS SIG. OE F 1325.10 (? OFFICIAL FILE COPY DATE [