
Whereas the Brookhaven National Laboratory and contractor physicfans

heretofore referred Ronoelap and Utfrik people suffering from non-radiation

reletez diseases to the health authorities of the Trust Territory of the

Pecific Islands, the provisions for medical care at Majuro and at Ebeye are

such thet the physicians question the propriety of using these resources,

and therefore feel that, where necessary, proper medical care requires

referral of such patients to Honolulu, or, possibly, Guam.


Emergency cases from Rongelap and Utirik already referred to Hawai{

this fiscal year include a person requiring open heart surgery ($43,003 in

medical expenses and associated costs) and a pregnant diabetic woman (about

$13,000 in medical expenses and associated costs).

The need for referral

of other persons with non-radiation related medical needs 4s anticipated,

{ncluding cases that are pending. Additional cases may be identified
during future visits of physicians to Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.

As you know, the Department of Energy (DOE) fs required by Public Law

95-134 to assume the costs for the care and treatment of radiation related

{injury or f1ness occurring tn the Rongelap and Utirik people resulting
from the March 1, 1954, atmospheric weapons test conducted at Bikini Atoll.
Except for Public Law 95-134 no statute {dentifies the Department of
Energy as being responsible at this time, f.e., prfor to the adoption of a
health care plan pursuant to Public Lew 96-205, for any health care in the
Marshall Islands. Public Law 96-205 and its legislative history provide no

clear guidance on this point.
In any event, funds have not been appropriated to the Department of Energy for the care and treatment of

non-radiation related diseases among these people.

Since the Department of Energy has no funds appropriated to address the
above issues, since the expenses associated with persons afflicted with nonraciation relatec qlInesses have depieted the present fiscal year funds
remaining for the care and treatment of persons with radfation related

diseases, and since it appears that the Department of the Interior has
legislative and fiscal respons{bility for general health care in the Marshal}

tte tee eee

Islands, it would be most helpful if you would provide guidance as to the
position which the Department of Energy contract physicians should take with
regard to the above. In addition, it may be appropriate that the Department
of the Interior make funds available for the non-radiation related {linesses

and needs identified above through its legislative authority and resources.

Uniess assfstance {s forthcoming 1n the very near future the Department of
Energy will be forced to direct fits contract physicians to refrain from
referring persons with non-radiation related diseases to Honolulu or elsewhere. Pending resolution of this matter, we have already requested, on an
interim basis, a sharp curtallment of these referrals.


th vial SSG,

JOE F 1325.10


Select target paragraph3