


Preparation of a joint report oy Dr. Failla and
Merril Eisenbud cf the present status of the

Sunshine study.
This report will be circulated
to Committee members for endorsement prior to
submission te the Commission.

The Qughterson Report of the “Joint Commission to Investigate

the Effects of the Atomic Bombs in Japan" which was published

in July as part of the NNES.
Comments which have been received
on this repert were favorable

DR. DUNHAM reported on his address before the NATO Council on the
substance and significance of the NAS report.
At the same time

br. Mayneord informétly reviewed the Medical Research

Council Report.
There seemed to be no serious disagreements although the objectives of the British and


American reports were directed slightly differently.
DR. DUNHAM reported that questions raised after the
two reviews indicated a preoccupation with waste disposal, particularly by the Germans, French, and

A brief review of the DBM budget indicated that it was very tight
for 1957 because of unexpected demands on facilities which has
also been experienced by other AEC divisions. The

1958 budget, however, looks better.


mention was made of the new education program which


has been alloted approximately $3 million for next

A second International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic

Energy is definitely planned for the Summer of 1958 in Geneva
although details have not yet been decided upon.



Brief mention was made of the status of the ABCC

Program but the major discussion was deferred until
the Executive Session.

Select target paragraph3