
Charles L. Dunham

DR. DUNEAM arnounced that Dr. Edvin B. Freda. Preaident of the Univ-

ersity of Wiecensin, med accepted anpointment ta the ACEM but could
not he presen: to. oie meetiag because of a conflict.

A mamber of additicu. toe the Division were also
angeunced an Palbows -

Colonel Bernard F. Trum, Veterinarian, formerly of

the Army Veterinary Corps.

(Dr. Trum was not present

because of his attendance at the sheep trials in

Nevada); Dr. Allen Seymour, marine biologist who is

replacing Dr. Robert Boss; Dr. Robert Reitemier, formerly of the

Department of Agriculture; Mr. George T. Anton, formerly of the Chemical Corps; Dr David Bruner, professor cf phnsylology at Emory University to replace Dr. Roy Albert who has resigned as head of the

Medical Branch, Miss Hetty w&éEhold, technical writer from O&P.

DR: DUNHAM #150 annourced the appointment of Mr. Hanson Blatz of the
New York, HASL as Scientific Secretary to the Committee.

A brief review of the major current activities was made by DR. DUNHAM,
including the following.



Transportation and storsge of atomic weapons.


Preparation for @ symposium on short-term fall-


Summary and correlation of the present state of

{Joint study with APSWE)

out hazards.

(Jointly with AFSWP)

contamination of the Island of Rongelap.
(In answer to a question of Dr. Bugher's, DR. DUNHAM informed the meeting that the
natives would not return to the [sland until the study was completed | The report was then being printed and expected to be

released ey the tenth of Octoher, 1956.


Preparation for the October 16 briefing of the Commission by the
HASL, Xu: end the DBM on Operation Redwing fallout studies.


Preparation of contributions to the revision of the Handbook,
"Effects of Atomic Weapons" to be renamed, "Effects of Nuclear


21, 1957


Publication ot this is expected on or about January

Preparation of contributions to the next semi-annual report to
Congress which will include Commission activities related to
radiation health and safety.
In part this report is to be 4
continuetion of the eighth semi-annual report of 1950.

Select target paragraph3