? FP | = | Lo tot I SS U NCLADN SUBJECT: 5. presented, cee. ~. 2 eeepee: S eRT e Survey ef Rongelap and Utirik atolls. All members of the survey party agree cn the rece hendrtdions COR BE. P. CRQAITE, Project Officer of Profact & Jl wes not a mexber of the survey perty, but he was consulted several th mes. + Views were considered oy the survey party, All deta frat 18 of soll, water and food Ltens will not be availsble and eval scme weeks, 6, Pinzlly, the survey party emohasizes the inrertangde of be licizing the tenroriry nature of the relocation, It is pesqidle thst the natives wili te content to meniin at Kweaj2lein Atal affer they live there a yaar, under sucsidy of the U.S, Gevermment, Mr. Negs, District Acministratcr of TirP..ciS at Maduro, stated at 2 caiterenceffat Xw2afalein on 27 April i9Skh that it is the policy of TEAPACIS ta discograge concentraticn of Marshallese natives 22 a few caoomercially favcraple Locaticns and to disccurage too rapid accuisiticn of wealth cy small -rairs of natives, This policy emfircs the recommend tisn mace alcvp that the sutsicy provided the natives while at Kxejelein be held vo Fhe essential rinicun, Nr THEN) f 4 YY SOS : 4, DaVID O. BYaaS, JR. Colonel, U. S. aray Senior Mexter Party. Radicleeical Surveys of Rongelap and Utirik Atolls. Construction Required to Estaodlisn T Vilizcge for R2on Natives, 5 {tf UNCLASSIFIE! ee 3. on of rt MI! eee