UNCLASSIFIED <2 NO MTeoR ETT fu UNITIoO = PT, aap Hone QUART eo Awe el ok 7 re fut, means TL i mA SER LN t - mayo w fe AUTHORIZED DERIVATIVE CLASSIFIER ewes « we OL ee MOPACFLT PILE :1-1 = et STATUS VERIFIED UNCLASSIFIED - Ser 01339 17 JUN 2554 = May a” 4» f° x Leal “0 be oO ry ke {— wa 2 Punts Ac 9 I 3 * Py w+ ‘ } ry bey St tro an 7 tN : -- Oo c) Ma a : CNO CoN? Msz 1} CINCric UNCL M 5 San CLNCPAC COME Ms Dos Oss PON Oo mage CITES SEVEN cele a+ wa Tt ob Nw 4, aN survey oF Rengelio anc UYtirik Atolls L v ot] » (e) CINCPACTLT CONF Msz 1122112 of May 1354 (f£) CINCPACFLT CONF Msz L42CC42Z of May 1954 (g) CUTE SEVEN CONF Msz 1204362 of May 1954 (h) CUT? SlVaN Cone Msz 1404502 of Mey 1954 lL. Reference (21) forsarded the revert af the survey sarty which visited Rongelap and Utirik Atolls during the seriod 21-23 arcril 1954 in créer ta determine requisite action fer rehabilitation of tnese atolls arictr tsa return of irhabitents wno were avacuated incident to hazards resulting fren the first test in the CASTLE series, TUTE SEVEN concurred in the rececnenta- tiens of the survey report and requested to te advised cf CINCPAC's aporevael of tnese recsommencaticns, 2, Reference (5) aperised CHO of CINCPAC's views and CJTF SEYEN's preliminary advic2 on the matter of renedilicaciion, This was zoprevyed oy UNC in relerence suppert should & expended without pricr apprevail, He (co) which further stated that no funds ether than normal CINCPAC ad elegated ressensibility for the sudi ect matter teGRIP ACELE reference 3) and furtner directed CUTF SEVEN ta resort to CiNCraCrLi fer 5 nm the tasks sutli b&b, =Ln refere n of cert 5. and (f£), CINCPACFLT srovided giidance for tne reselation conneCticn with renacilitar len of ine Zongelao ard CJT SEVEN infeorced cogizant cermaniers of tne detailed plans for native renatilitation in references(s) ard (hn), , 6, Cn the basis of the forezoing action, CINCPACFLT considers that 212 basic questicns tertinent to native rehasilitaticn have deen reselved and thar acvion is proceeding satisraccerily, As 2 matter of recerd, CINCPACTLI's actien @n the reccnmendations ef the survey report is siommarized in tne Pee™é See weit os : ‘ ee sv mete . V9 ee bee