


ir lED


Enislo and Entastox, Aedisticn levels were retarded cn the three islands; the intensity increased 2s the party meoved northward, 25 wes expected, Actual readiness are presented in Inclssure No, 3. On Eniaio

Island, birds

eggs were g2thered for testing since the natives include

these in their diet

Dr. White conduct
én exrerinent cn Aan
used fire-figniing e
roof of cne of the ma ve cvuilcings, After 2¢
the intensity of the r cf was recuced ty
ten pe -*
contaminzticn wes wasr a off the reef cnto the grand.
Menbirs cf the 3
and donated their catch to
be tested,

The surwey of Reongelap


Certain general

the current situation at Ren


Little camage to Dailcings cn Aengelap nas occurre2 since the

evacuaticn. The Rcongslap natives cenfirmel tnis. Hoewsver, heavy rains
or storms duriig the year cr more that the natives will be absent will

protebly cause censicerasle dan:


estimate c

airs necessary

for the return cf the population must be based om
prior to this return,

3. The survay party wes impressed with the prinitiveness cf ths
Tre GMiildings were walled with woven panels of serap lusber and were invariably roofed with theten.
The natives sleep on rets
which are laic cn tare wood flsors cr ciresctly con the ground, No other
furmiture is vresent in the sleeping dwellings except 2 few wood bexes
for storing clothes in each rocm. The farilies sat in 2afacent rulliing
or outsides, The evaccaticn of the remninder of the housencla efizcca cr
the 82 Emgelzp natives will not present much of a presilen,


The only building in the village snich shcwed the work cf sxiltec

carpentry wes the cnurch.

1 Marek,

Hewever, this edifice b

The water sucocly is crecarisus.



rere 2re six conerete cistems

These cisterns are conerete Soxes 2bcut five Tees sn 2
dn the villzge,
side, The rain falling om the tin roofs of the cisterns is ccllectes tr
draining it througn gsutters into tne doxes. Four cf the six cistems can
tained water, cf wnich sanples were taxen lor testing.


UPcl seorricn
bru vw

Select target paragraph3