This report presents the results of one of the 4S projects tust
participated in the Military Effects Program of Gperation Redwing,
operation included 17

test @etonations.


Reeders who are interested ia

other pertinent test information may refer to TFR-13+4, SGusmry Report ef
the Commander, Task Unit Three.

This summary report containe the folloving

general information:

4m overall description ef esch detonation, including yiald,

height of buret, growl sero location, tine ef detonation, and eublentsteosPheric conditions eat detonation for the 17 shots.

A discussion of all project results.


A sammary of eech project, containing objectives and resulte.


A complete listing of all reports that corer the Military Bffects

Fest Progra.

Si. te 1S FRO

Select target paragraph3