The edjectives ef Project 2.1 were:

1) to determine gamma exposures

versus Gistance from the point of detonation of various high-yield thermo.

maclear G@eviees; ani 2) to draw conclusions from the deta concerning gam
exposure eentours for various types ef detonations, and the validity of

scaling laws.

fhe following types of dosimeters vere used as gamma-radiation detec
Photographic, quarts-fiber, chemical, and phosphate~glass.

Oorrection fa

were applied te compensate for the nonlinear spectral response of the dos
ané for stetion shielding.

All detectors were calibrated vith co squge

Photographic Goaineter film-badge service ané co” calibration facilities
provided to other projects as requested.
Initial gaame rediation was measured by a series of stations located

about 1 to & miles from ground sero.

Mechanisms were installed at some o

these stations to shield the detectors from residual radiation.

An analy

of the date indicates that the initial games exposure at 3 miles from Che

Sumi, end Navajo was about 1 r. Consequently, initial game radiation Ls
Little military significance to exposed personnel as compared to therm! |
blast damage resulting from high-yield devices.

The curves in this report vary from those published in "4 23-200 (Re
ence1), The field Gata fall below predictions at longer ranges, and cross
to be greater than predicted at shorter ranges.

‘This difference betveen

poedicted anf field data increases with increasing yield.


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Select target paragraph3