~ Several dosimeters vere included to read the total exposure.


Gosineter was activated at 55 seconds after the detonation to give an
estinate of the effects pf residual radiation.

At 60 seconds, a solenclé-

release mechanism caused the entire instrument to drop dowm the 8-iaech
steel-pipe stations to 6 feet below the surface.

Thus, the instruments

_ were shiblded from most of the residual rediation.

The device was housed ip en aluximum eanister 32" high and 7-1/2"

in @iameter, with a 0.10-inch wall thickness. ‘The battery pack that
povered the mechanienm was in the bottom half of the canister. A 6-inch
space at the top of the canister was utilized for the placement of
various ether dosincters, and Project 2.51 gold and sulphur neutron

detectors for Shots Sumi end Cherokee. fhe instrument was activated “©
Woon the melting of an cutectic elenent bythermel radiation. The

eutectic element consists of two pieces of 0,008-inchbrassshim stock, rhated
black with Ebenol ¢ and soldered with Cerroley 136, an eutectic that
maltese at 136°F. ‘the total activation delay from tine of detonation is

estimated st 1/2 second.

wou se act

Mechenieal Brop Mechanisn.

A mechanical Grep mechanism vas

installed in the pipe caps of some ef the 4-inch and B-inch steel-pipe

These stations were instrumented with five sects of dosimeters.

Three sets were suspended in the top of the station, and fell to the
votten when activated.

The first set of dosincters was suspended by a

Black nylon string extending from an aru attached to the cap top through

a hole in the cap.

The gasmea data indicated that the string burned

through in about 1/2 second after the detonation.

A second set of dosi-



Select target paragraph3