less than 600 r were read on site, whereas the ones exposed to larger
doses were reef ané evaluated at the Naval Medical Researeh Institute.

(4 technical deseription andé an evaluation of thie instriment fs found iz
References 16, 17, 22, and 23.)


2.2.5 Rediec Set AN/VOR-39. ‘These instrusents, calibrated with 00,
were used to measure the exposure rate in fields ef residual gamma reiie-

tion whenever these fields would affect the data. ‘The AN/PDR-39 is a
military standard, field-type, portable instrument used for detecting

and measuring gusme exposure rates (Reference 24).

2.2.6 Quarts-Fiber Device (Rate Device) for Exposure Versus Time.
fois device incerporated eight quarts-fiber dosimeters connected te
@ battery of seroing potential.

‘The dosineters were activated by remove}

of the battery potential from the dosimeters during various intervals of

the first ainute after the detonation.

The dosimeters recorded the

radiation that arrived after they vere activated.

The devices vere mounted vertically in a plastic ané aluxinus frase
(Pigures 2.3 and 2.4).

A spring-loaded solenoid was below each dosimeter,

mounted so that it depressed the charging pin at the base of the quartsfiber dosimeter.

A dvattery charged the dosineters to sero reading.


activation, a Hayden chronometric motor programmed the operation.


iatching solenoids were activated in intervals of about 2 seconds, varying
with position and event.

The charging potential was removed from the

Gosimeters, thus the dosimeters integrated the exposure that arrived after
the activation tine.


Select target paragraph3