
source from 1/2 to 12 hours after each detonation. Files vere processed
about a week after each event, thereby mininizing possible errors caused
by latent image fading. Variations caused by temperature, aging, and
processing technique were compensated for hy the calibration fils.
Fectors that eccuse variation in density from event to event were the

detent tmmge fling of Rertann 980-0 fin cot Be eh Teatin On Sto
temperature of the develeper solution. (TaShots Dekote, Bevajo enf Tem,

an increase in the background density equivalent to about 900 mr was


\. noted om the Dupont Emlsion $02. the use of calibration film in “ach [orthese events compensated for this background density increase.
The photographic trananiasion density was read en an Ansco-eBeth

Motel 19 densitometer, with a calibrated photogrephic density wedge wstt
as a standard.

Exposures were determined by comparing densities of the

field files with the density-versus-exposure curves for each film

emision calibrated on the Co™ sourse.
2.2.2 Quarts-Fiber Desineters. Seven ranges of quarts-fiber dosimeters, similar to the IN-93/W evaluated by Teapot Project 6.1.1, were
used (References 16 anf 17).

‘These dosimeters were calibrated with the

Co™ source and « correction was male on all readings.
for leakage and faulty enes were elimizated.
facturer's mumbers and ranges.

« range of 0 to £00 F.

aey were checked

fable #.2 lists the manu-

Project 2.72 supplied 3} dosimeters vith


2.2.3 Chemical Dosineters. Chemical dosimeters furnished by the

Air Force, Atomic Ruergy Comission, end University of Califernis at

Select target paragraph3