2.1 ovmnesroms
Project 2.1 participated in Shote Cherokee, Zuni, Flathead, Dakota

(liuited), Bevaje, and Tow. Fer every shot except Dakota, al] possible

stations were fastrasented with every available type of detector of
appropriate range.

Fer Shot Dekota, stations were loaded with yhote-

grezhio-type fesineters just prior to shot tine, ani these vere
recovered at the instrumentation tine for Navajo.


Stations were instre-

mented as late as possible prior to shot tine and recovered as sem as
Rad-~Safe conditious peraitted.

WaorogreghieDosinter. Yee primary devectar consisted of
film exposed in the EBS-type fibm holder.

This consists of a bexelite

sontainer vith a8.25-am wall thickness sovered vith o 1.07-m layer of
tin ead a 0.$gm layer of lead. The lead anf tin act as filters te appress the lower energies sufficiently to keep the response linear abeve
115 kev.

Below 115 Mev, the gum rediation ip attenuated excessively,

gothe exposure Gun to gamas belov 215 kev 1sguallcomparedte that

“ qnove 115 kev (Reference 18). (Ghe Ulekeess ofbaialitewasdetermined 1
experimentally on the assumption that the spectrum from o 10-Mev betatren





Select target paragraph3