Ty ¢ exposure rate at tine 6
I) = exposure rate at wit tine

& os tim

Fe exposure between tines t and to, where t > 10 seconds.
It is expected that the decay of the residual refistion will vary

with weapon design.

Por example, the presence of Iy*-? would tend to

decrease the absolute value of the decay exponent for a period of tine.

1.3.3 Absorption in Air. The absergtion of mecattered game
refiation in air is exponential with distence.

Freon s point source af

monoenergetic radiation, the variation of intensity with distance is
expressed as;

Ips ite


Ip « intensity et distance D
XI, « source intensity


« liner abeorption coefficient (this varies with gume energy,
anf is generally lower fer higher energies).

D = distance


The absorption coefficient // in Equation 1.2 is applicable fer

sarrow-beam geometry, andi a correction shoulé be made for field cenditions

woere the detector is approximately a 277 sensing element. ‘This is done
by adding a buildup factor B to Equation 1.2, te aceount for the scattered
radiation that will be detected.

Buildup factors for different energies

and Gistances have been calculated (Reference 10), ami some valuss are

Select target paragraph3