attributed in part to the hydrofynanic effect, whieh results in an
enhancement ef the game radiation.

This effect is caused by the passage

of the shock front, through the detector station, resulting fs en
inhomogeneity of the air between detector anf refiating source.


1.3.4 gives a simplified treatment ef the hydrodynamic effect.
Measurements were made during Operation Castile by the U. 8. Amy
Signal Engineering Laboratories to determine the empirieal relation

between yield and hydrodynamic enhancement (Reference 2).

Some high-

yielé Castle devices provided data points; however, it ws felt that
additional data were needed at a number of suitably speced points for

various yields and types of muclear devices to determine more valid

scaling laws. he present scaling laws for initial gaume radiation frém
high-yield thermonuclear devices vere based on data from relatively low-

yield fission devices (1 to 500 kt), a few data points from Operation Ivy,
ané the sperse data from Castle.

Initial ganma radiation appeared to be

ef little significance compared to damnge caused by blast and thermal
‘Residual gana refiiation is here defined as that which reaches the
detector 3 seconds or more after the time of detonation.

Residual gan

exposure measurements have been made by various organisations at previous
test operations (References 2, 3, 5, and 6).

During Operation Buster-

dangle, the Signal Corps, in conjunction with MBS, meade residual game
exposure measurementa of a 1-kt surface blast and a 1-kt weapon detonated

et a dept: of 17 feet (Reference 7).-puring Seepotthe U. 8. army Signal Enet
Leboratories made measurenents of residuel-gamma exposure resulting from

Select target paragraph3