B2 - page [3
the test support organization would be to determine in a coordinated
effort between AEC and DOD, the minimum requirements for the preparation
of JI as a ready s-+ejbade act


Copies of the charters of the AEC, DABA, and DASA field command are
included here for information.

Details of the three proposals for the change in the JTF? structure during
the moratorium are contained herein with charts of relationships between
the AEC and DOD and the JTF? organization,

numbers of enlisted and officer

personnel that would be assigned to which organization, etc.


Proposal A the command structure would contain a headquarters, JIF/ with
three task groups 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 representing the Army, Navy and Air
Force assigned permanently and any other task groups such as the AEC
7.5 task group assigned as necessary for planning.
A 29 November [958

letter from Gen.

Ludecke, Commander of JTF7 to

the AEC and AFSWP gives Ludecke's personal feeling about what the status
and activities and organization of JTF7 should be during the moratorium.
On 7 July 1959, the study group under separate cover letter forwarded a
"report on future status and utilization of Eniwetok proving ground" to the
Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy) and the General
Manager of the AEC.

The remainder of the report, about 165 pages long,

contains this sub-committee's report on Eniwetok.

This concludes the notes

en this study group's report on future test operations organization.

Select target paragraph3