B2 - page [2
Appendix A to the enclosure that discusses the overal!

report is a report

by the sub-committee which looked at the organization for future test
operation based on a test when ready concept.
probably deserves some discussion.

The test when ready concept

The sub-committee and the working group

as a whole concluded that the two most likely modes of testing and those
considered by this study would be underground and high altitude or very
high altitude tests and more or less disregarded
as too unlikely to consider.


other types of testing

in feeling that the NTS facilities

and programs and planning for underground testing more or less took care of
that concept for future planning, this sub-committee looked only at the
high altitude test requirements.

Feeling that the extensive preparations

and large amounts of money that would be required for rocket-borne testing
and diagnosing and measuring effects from such tests would lower the number
of tests that would be done by this method, the committee concluded that we
would not test in a continuous manner or in a manner where there would be
a series with a number of tests as in previous series but rather would

have a "test when ready conce pt".
"flexib le method of operation,

It is stated that this would provide a

independent of time, scope, or place, in

which the AEC or DOD would test separately or jointly as the requirement
would dictate."

The committee suggests that the traditional method of testing

on a "series operation" basis has become obsolete and uneconomical
surface or atmospheric tests are out-lawed.


Briefly, the committee's

recommendations were that the test when ready concept be adopted as the
best solution to maintaining a future test capability in light of current
estimates of probabilities, that the nucleus of a test supported organization
be established on a permanent basis, that Johnston Island be specifically
designated and prepared as a ready test


a &a.

and that the first


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Select target paragraph3