Dr. J. CG. Bugher


aida Wadacdd

July 29, 1953

offered to cooperate with us in placing gummed papers aboard every
naval vessel in the Pacific. At any one time there are approximately
300 such ships at sea. They are assigned to three categories:


Naval-commissioned vessels,
Ships belonging to the Navy but operated by civilians.

Ships under Navy charter,

Included in this program would be all such ships plying between the
West Coast, Hawaii and the Far East, and the traffic between the
Southeast Asia and Japan. To implement the program we would send
gummed papers and instructions to muaval control shipping offices at
12 ports. They will be authorized by CINCPACFLT to instruct the naval
vessels to collect 2h hour samples continuously during the test program.

CINCPACFLT will also arrange to place gummed paper aboard six ocean

Weather vessels which are stationed at fixed positions in the Pacifice

CC: Division of Military Application, AEC Washington
Commander In Chief Pacific Fleet

Commander Joint Task Force #7


Select target paragraph3