

Dy. J. C. Bugher


July 29, 1953

of installations, as occurred at both Guam and Oahu during IVY, it

is desirable that these organizations disclose to us the locations
of their stations and cooperate to the extent of reporting their
routine observations of gamma background to Task Force Headquarters.
Apart from the inherent value of continuously recorded data per se,
ground monitoring will increase the efficiency of the aerial monitor-

ing procedures by eliminating negative flights.

By their geographical

distribution, the data from the stations will provide an indication of
the island groups which have been affected by fallout and the aerial
monitoring flights can be scheduled accordingly..

The basic flight patterns adapted for IVY are unchanged. However,
based on the IVY experience, the following operating changes will be


1. The radiation measurements will be made by the aircraft crews
rather than by NYOO representatives, This change is justified by the
relative ease of measurements demonstrated during IVY, The aerial
scintillation instruments will be assigned to thesquadrons at Guam,

Kwajalein and Hawaii,

Members of the squadron who will be directly

concerned with the use of these instruments will be instructed in their
use in advance of CASTLE. NYOO will have provisions at either Kwajalein
or Eniwetok for the repair of defective instruments,
2. Monitoring flights will be scheduled according to the
findings of the ground monitoring installations described above.
Following any given detonation, certain of the prearranged flight
patterns may be eliminated if data from the ground installations confirm
meteorological predictions that fallout in a given area is unlikely.
The IVY experience indicates the possibility that major fallouts are
going undetected because they occur on the open sea, The relatively
small total area of the Pacific islands in relation to the area of open
water makes it difficult to understand completely the fallout patterns
from the detonation of superbombs. The requirements of GABRIEL and the

need to predict fallout patterns for detonations over land masses, makes

it desirable that the limited data from the islands be augmented by what—
ever information that can be collected by ships at sea, CINCPACFLT has



Select target paragraph3