At 0600 party and plane crew arrived at Seaeplane ramp, in a rain that increased

to a very heavy downpour by 0700. The plane commander announced an indefinite
delay in take-off. At 1000 the flight was definitely postponed until the following
day. At 1100 returned to quarters. Rain all day and part of the night.
1 AUGUST 1959
At 0610, party departed Ponape and arrived at Kapingamarangi at 1010.


party went ashore on Fumatahachi Island and inspected the weather station.

Following was determined to be the present condition of the station.

1, PUMP HOUSE = Slight weather damage to roof, one section of aluminum
sheathing missing and one aluminum window shutter is hanging by one
hinge. Otherwise in good condition.

2. SUPPLY & OPERATIONS BLDG,- Apparently in very good condition

Building looked but one shutter was not secured.
No evidence of entry.

3. WATER TOWER ~ Fairly good condition.
year from this date,

Reusable for at least one

4, POWER & DISTALLATION - In good condition.

5, MESS HALL ~ Bldg. locked - exterior in very good condition.
6. REEFER SHED ~ Bldg, in good condition all hardware shows signs

corrosion, The electrical outlets, breakers and switch gear

are quite heavly corroded and will probably have to be replaced.

7. BARRACKS #1 = Bldg. looked - exterior in good condition.
8. DAY ROOM ~ Bldg. locked - exterior in good condition,

9. BARRACKS #2 = Bldg. locked - exterior in good condition.
10. RAWINSODE PAD - In good condition.
11. ANTENNA POLES ~ In good condition.
12, HOMER SHELTER - This was removed and returned to EPG during the
Hardtack Roll-Up.

13. PIPING SYSTEM, OUT DOOR+SEWER - The 8" Spiral Weld steel pipe
outfall is disconnected from the first length,

Seven lengths,

still joined together lie near by on the reef and are recoverable
and reusable.


Select target paragraph3