Engineers - Constructors


J. W. Moore, Resident Manager

From: oe” Resident Engineer




6 August 1959


Report and Leg of Inspection of
Weather and Rad-Safe Stations at
Ujelang, Ponape, Kapingamarangi

Kusaie, Utirik, and Wotho,

‘The following is a report of inspections of Weather and Rad-Safe Stations which

were made by J. S. Coe, H&N and John M. Okamura, AEC.

30-July 1959 at 0730 the party departed Site Elmer by air and arrived at Site

Fred at 0738, At 0925 we departed Site Fred in the Navy UF-1 #902 and landed at
Ujelang at 1030. The party went ashore and inspected the Rad-Safe Station.
Following waa determined to be the present condition of the station.



1. WATER TOWER - In fair condition - reusable for at least one more
year from this date,

2. POWER & DISTILLATION = Fairly good condition - One aluminum shutter
is missing and requires replacement. Small
area of fire damage noted between generator


Not serious.


3¢ SHOWER ~ Building. frame & piping reusable - Needs new canvas siding.

lh. DAY ROOM <- Frame in good condition and new tent & fly is required,
5 LIVING QUARTERS = Frame in good condition = New tent & fly required.

6. REEFERS & LAUNDRY « Frame in good condition - New tent & fly required.
7e MESS HALL «~ In fair condition - needs new tent & fly and new screens

8. LIVING QUARTERS «= Frame in good condition - new tent & fly required.
9. RAD@SAFE TENT ~ Frame in good condition - new tent & fly required,

10. PIT LATRINE + Fair condition, but should be replaced.
11. PUMP HOUSE «= In fair condition.

The appearance of the station indicates that it has not been disturbed by the

natives, and could be quickly and easily reactivated.
replaced where ever called for on the plans.

* See addendum #1 for applicable photos.

All screening should be

Select target paragraph3