1, Subject to final approval by the Joint Chiefs of Starf, it
is recommended that the following principles govern the allocation
of costs for this project:
a. The AEC will be charged with the following expenditures:

(1) All construction costs, including laying of cable
at the site,

All contracts for construction to be carried

out by other than military personnel will be subject to

approval by AEC,

It is further understood that »orior AEC

approval will be required for construction projects by

military personnel in those instances where charges will be
made to the AEC,

(2) All travel including wileare and/or per diem or
additional overseas pay for military personnel where travel
involved is on temporary and/or additional duty direstly

concerned with this project,

(3) Administrative expenses including salaries and overtime for additional civilian tersonnel which may be required
for the accomplishment oi this project.

(4) All civilian expenses incurred in forward areas
except for those civil service personnel who are regularly

employed by the armed services and who may partisipnte in
this project,

Overtime or other extra pay ror these civil

service personnel will be charged to the ‘AEC,

(5) All maintenance and operation costs of bases in the
forward area which are directly attributable to the vroject,
including gas and o11 for operation of motor vehicles,

(6) Purchases of all supplies and equipment required
for tests,

including transportation costs other than py

military, air or surface vessels.


Enclosure "B"

Select target paragraph3