4, The proposed policy with reference to allucation =f costs
and the estimate of charges to be borne by the AO is set forth

in Enclosure "B",

Gonorally, it is propesed that the AEC bear

all the costs beyond the normal opcrating costa of the services
5. The following tine schedulc is anticipated:
1 - 15 November:

Complete plans and mave Initial con-

1 Decunbecr:

Complete moverreent of cunstraztion
personnel, cquipment and material -

struction units ty toso urea.

to onbarkation point, and cnbark

follow-up force,
1 January:

-15 March:


Conpletc rehabilitation construction,

initiate mijor constiiction projects.

Arrival of main body of AEC scientists
by Slip, completion o. construction

projects to point whore tac AEC can

take over in accordance with previous

agrecnonts, and completion of mouve-

nent of geovd echelon of itr Force,
1 April:

Complete tvemont aiv cohsien,

6, A joint force will te organized to maintain physical
security of all phases of the copzratioa tc include the puarding:
of weapons.

It is anticipased teansssviun; fisaionable parts

of the weapons by noval vo3selLs ag was doue in operation


The downgrading of auy aturic cnergy "restricted

data” will be accomplished only wy ths £RO, but initinl restrictive military sceurlow ¢! wosllasatious rey bo eo iazed hr the
Joint Task Forco cormandsr ac nilitary roquarciiits dictate.
Detailed security plan and plan for rolease ci public inforne-

tion 15 attachcd as Enclosure "C"",
. 7. In selecting the sito, the: Joint Provt-Test Cormlttu.
has compared the relative nucrits of both the suggested Loca-

tions (Eniwetok and Kwajalein), and considers the Eniwctok
location to bo the only completely satisfactory cite.


considerations reference Eniwetok are discussed in detail in

Enclosure "D",

For technical reasons the Atomic Energy Con-

misgion strongly recormends selection of this site over Kwajaleln.

Select target paragraph3