
1. The planned organization of the Joint Task Group togethor
with its related scientific personne] is outlined in the chart
in the Appendix hereto,

There shall be on the stafi of the

Joint Task Force Commander a senior reprosentative of the Atomic
Ener fy. Commission who will be designated es Test Director and
responsible directly to tho Atomic Energy Coma:ssion for the
direction of technicel test activitivos and techutcal policies,
However, the Commission's Director, and through him, the
scientific staff, are placed under the Joint Task Fores Commandor
for those aspects of commend and control necessary for tho integration of the operation as a whole,

The channsl between mili-

tary commander and test Director will he direct, the military

staff having no responsibility for ecowdin-ting the technical
activities of the Test Director's orpanization,

The vast majority

of work between scientific and military staffs can be successfully
accomplished only through mutual agreeuent and coordinete staff

Such collaboration ts essennial,

2, In the execution of these respuisitilities it is contemplated that the Atomic Energy Commission will furnish to the Jvint
Task Force the selerntivic personnel and setentific equipment

necessary to complote the firing ane onsorvatiois,


services will furnish such persuanel, wm:..itary type equipment
and services as are necessary to insure weopor operations and

wae ae eee wer ee

logistical support,
3, Details on the agreement o” responsibility must be develeved
and modified as plans progress,

Subject to the generil policies

outlined above, the Joint Task Force Commander and Test Director

should be authorized to develop by mutual agreement the detalicd
understandings on responyibiittics to cover the various ¢spects
of the test,

-Enelesvre "I"

Select target paragraph3