
It 1s contomplated that one

of these can be released approximately
1 January 1948,

It is considered

highly desirable that the other two
remain until the completion of the

operation and that they bo used to
assist in the deactivation of facili-

ties at that time,

two will have to be procured rrom sone

other source - cither the Marianas
or the Philippine area,

- This craft to be furnished by the Navy
Amphibious Force, to be used in the
initial movement of personnel from
the West Coast, and will become part
of the rogulcr craft assigned to the
operation during its duration,

2 DE's

- These vossels will be supplied frow Escort divition I.

Division is now located

at Pearl, and they are to be used at


Nye oe elses
tT enapaheetcminbcenimetenLanes

- At the prosont time two LCI'ts are

located at Kwajulein ond the remaining


ter ee, agile
ates ote!
eA cencee hainaaeae te aennee 6 at eee te

hk LOI's

the end of the landing strips as air-

sea rescuc vessels,

1 YO}

- It is expected that these craft can be
furnished from Kwajalein or by

It is expected that

these creft will be used to furnish
water and petroleum products as
required at Eniwetok or othe: points
in its Atoll,

- 27 - Appendix "D" to Enclosure "H"

Select target paragraph3