1. Preliminary study narrowed the site to consideration of two
localitics, the first in tho vicinity cf Roi Nenur in the
Kwajaloin Atoll, the second at Eniwctok.

Originally it appearod

that, if the oporation could pe satisfactorily porformed fron 2
sclontific point of view in the Roi Nanur area, « substantinl

saving; in effort might be made.

Detailed analysis, however,

indicates there would be approximatcly the sane construction requirciicnts with little or no saving in noney, manpowor,

or ships.

2. iurther development of the problem with the AEC led to its
statonent “An attempt has boun made to nindnize the operational
and. logistical requirements for the operation; however, it has
‘been concluded that only Site 1 (Eniwetok, firing three shots on
three cifforent islands) will peruit full realization of the

objectives of the tests,"
3. Study of Eniwetok Atoll reveals that this area possesses all

desirable characteristics:

a. It provides an cxccllent location which should be available for an indefinite period for use by the United States as
an atomic proving ground,

and ono in a secure. aroa Located

woll off normal shipping and air lances,
b. It has convonicnt logistical support being within 300
milcs of our air and navel bese at Kwajelein and within 2500

ilies of our major installations at Guan and Ochu.
ce Within tho Atoll itsclf 13 . suitable anchorage areca for
largcr vessels,
a, The arca is not cxposed to violent storms and the proveiling northeastern winds do not subject inhabited land uasses te
deposits of radioactive particles.

-~ le -

Enclosure "py"

Select target paragraph3