b. The armed services will be responsible for tho following
(1) All pay and allowances of military nersonnel (except
additional overseas pay resulting from this project).
(2) All subsistence and clothing for military personnel,
(3) All transportation costs of military ond ec‘tvilian
personnel on government -owned ships or aircraft.

(4) All costs for tests which may be conducted by the
armed services which are not planned or requested by the AEC,
(5) Motor vehicles required for transportation of military personnel in forward areas,

(5) Costs of all recreational Facilities and eautonent
in forward areas,

(7) All costs for fuel o11, lubricating ofl, gasoline,
and other operational expenditures

of ships and eircraftt

required in this project,
2.,The decision fow the intervretation of allocation of





specific costs in accordance with thse above agreement will be the
.y responsibility of the Task Force Commander or authorised mombers
of his staff.

In the event that additional major exnenditurces

should develop in the implementation of this project, the allo-

cation of costs will be the subject of furthor agreements between
the AEC and the armed services.
3. The financial procedures with respecl to siscal and
property accounting and disbursemont of funds will be in conformity with established procedures of the services involved.
Detailed instructions covering specinl procedures will be joinvly
agreed to by the services involved and the AEC and such instructions will be disseminated by the fiscal branch of euch service,

- 8 -

Enclosure "B"

Select target paragraph3