
Chapter 8 ~ =adsaf

7 Blast Damage Responsibilities

A rigorous program was conducted throughout HARDTACK to insure maximum

data gathering support without sacrifice of human safety.

This program

dealt chiefly with the radiological safety of personnel but also embodied

considerations of possible damage to equipment from blast, heat and water
wave action,

The program included the following:


Dosimetry for Task Group 7.4 personnel.


Pre-shot planning.


Cloud sampling.


Sample return.


Post-shot monitoring

The most difficult problem in this area was the control of exposure
te zediation of air and ground crews azsociated with the nuclear cloud
sampling program,

In the end it was necessary to obtain replacement.

personnel in order not to exceed maximum permissable exposures on large
muubers of propre in this program.
Disimetry provided for continuous monitering cf the exposure cf each
HAROTACK parvicipant te ionizing radiation through the use of . filn~badzge.
The:-@ fllm-tadges were issued to all perscnnel and at a frequency dictated
Gyr ~he pecson's duties.

Men engaged in activites not requiring regular

expcsure +o radiation were issued filn-badges at six (6) week intervals,
while personnel working in hazardeus environments received Pilm-badges as
citen as twise weekly,

The badges were collected and read and bi-weekly

tepsorts were published listing the total radiation exposures.


this means, the radiological health of all personnel cculd be monitored and

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