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Planning for ‘ask sroup 7.4 participation in Operation HARDTACK
corm: need in late 1956 coincident with the roll-up of that year's nuclear

test at Eniwetok, Op*rstion REDWING, and with the planning for ths 1957
continyntal test, Operation PLUMBBOB.

The first efforts were directed

at the preparation of aircraft, supply, construction, transportation, and
budget requirzments.

These studies led to the development of the data

which was presented at the Joint Task Force SEVEN planning conferenc?

in February 1957 as being our needs for the conduct of our test mission.
. Ry mid=1957 a Schedule of Events and a Communications Plan had been

rublished and our officer and airmen personnel requisitions had been
forwaréed to hizher headquarters for action.

As has been mentioned

rrevicusly, the activation of the various Task Group 7.) agencies occurred

“arly in th: month of October 1957,

Immediately thereafter the Task

Gwoup held its Logistics Planning Conference which brought the test
participants togetner with representetives of the various Air Materiel
Areas and the Task Group Materiel staff for the purpose of outlining
requirements and the steps necessary toward meeting those needs.


while, the Task Group staff published its first planning directive outlining the general operetional corcepts, unds:rtook rehabilitation of the

air control equipment, the AN/USQ 12, arranged for the modification
of additional sampling eircraft, and prepared supplemental budgets
necossary to reflect the changing requirements.

By the end of the year

the Onsrations Plan and a draft of the Movement Directive had besn comrieted and the Commander and his deputy had completed staff visits to
she forward area,

One of the principal purposes of these visits was

to make mutually satisfactory arrangements with the Army Tesk Group, 7.2,
for the surport the; would provide during the operational period.





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