Chapter 1 - jeneral

Late in 1956 the L950th Test Group (Nuclear) was established by
Headquarters Air Research and Development Command as part of the Air
Force Special Weapons Center at Kirtland Air Force Base.

It is a perma-

nent orzanization whose mission is to plan for and to provide direction
of air support for full-scale nuclear test programs both in Nevada and
the Pecific.

The members of the Headquarters of this group, while

particirating in the PL'MBBOB exercise in Nevada in the Spring and Sumer

of 1957, concurrsntly initiated plans for Task Group 7.4 participation in

Upon activation of Task Group 7.4, Provisional, by Headquarters

Air Research and Develorment Command on 1 October 1957, the Comnander
and other personnel assi med to tne Headquarters of the 450th, merely
assumed similar titles within the newly formed Task Group 7.4 and continued

doing the job at hand.


Thus there was no time lost in organizing a new

group of people to do the ileadquarters Task Group 7.4 job.
During the period from 1 October until the on-ening of ths operational
phase of HARDTACK in the forward area on 15 March, the provisional units and
elements of Task jroup 7. were established and organized at their various
4I home tases,

Commanders were assioned and planning proceeded under the

giidance of the Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN and the Commander, Task
Group 7h.
Althouzh advance detachments were in the forward area as early as
February, operational control of these units was not assumed by Task Group
7.4 and Joint Task Force SEVEN until their commanders arrived on 12 and
Marci r spectiv-ly; this assumption of command was accomplished smoothly
and without misunderstanding.
Conxand arrangements during shots varied depending upon the shot

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At n> time wes there ayy, Strious difficulty in maintaining


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