was accomplished with a unit of GensB-50 sirereft which flew daily out

t> distances of twelv: hundred miles from Eniwetok and returned.


asather forecasting organization, of course, played an important part in
providing the Task Force Cowmander with that weather information which
he mecid ta d:termine whether or not to shoot.

Air sunrort activities included the operation of C-54, SA~16, liaison
and helicopter aircraft carrying passengers and carzo in the Forward Area.

At poek strength, Task Group 7.4 was assimed a total of 78 aircraft

of 14 different tyres.
hovrs wort ecccomlish:d,

Between 15 March and 18 August a total of18307 ‘lying
Four major cecie nts ure sufler:d involving

Victson sirerrft cvcithreelvlicorttrs.

one life wes lost as a result

All Urits a-d Blements of Task Group?7.4, Provisional, wore redeployed.
to their home stetions as s92n as they could bs spared from the Forward

On 15 August the main H-adquart*rs of th: Task Group trensferre

tack to Kirtland Air force nas: leeving only a srall -chclon to finish

roll-up of asunrpli:s and equimrznt.

Select target paragraph3