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Officer Monitors

(a) Job Description, These officers serve as advisers and technical experts on all matters pertaining to the nonmedica! aspects of radiological contamination. They assist project
leaders in recovery olans for test equipment and make surveys of areas subjected to radiolog
ical contamination. They operate radiation-detection instruments and devices and assist in
decontamination and laboratory operations.
()) Qualifications Desired, Recent completion of a radiological ~defense engineer course
or experience as a radioiogical monitor at previous tests is desired.

Enlisted Monitors

(a) Job Descripticn, Enlisted monitors perform surveys of areas subjected to radiological contamination. They operate radiation-detection instruments and devices to detect the
presence of radiation in areas contaminated with radioactive materials and assist in decontamination operations as directed.
(b) Qualificat-ons Desired, Previous experience at field tests or a graduate of a military
Rad-Safe school is destre«.

Laboratory Director

(a) Job Description, The laboratory director serves as technical director of the Rad-Safe
laboratory. He supervises the assem ly of technical information from radiochemical! analyses
to assist the commander in 2steblish ment of the true radiological hazards. He supervises the
processing of film bariges and the maintenance and repair of radiation-detection instruments.
(0) Qualifications Desired. Radiological-defense engineer training with experience in radiological-defense instrumentation is desired.
(c) Best Source. The U. 8. Army Signal Corps Laboratories (Evans Signal Laboratory) or
the U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) is the best source.

Laboratory Technicians

(a) Job Description. Laboratory technicians are selected enlisted personnel, specially
trained in radiochemical analyses and radiation measurement, who will perform routine operations in laboratories assigned such functions.
0) Quatifications Desired. Experience in civilian or military laboratories with commensurate educational background is desired.
(c) Best Source. The Chemical Corps Chemical and Radiological Laboratories, Army
Chemical Center, Md., or NRDL, San Francisco, is the best source.

Photographic Assistants (Photodosimetry)

(a) Job Description, Photographic assistants are specialized photographic laboratory

technicians who are skilled in the developmer. of dental X-ray films, in the operation of filmdensity meters, and in the interpretation of readings.
(0) Qualifications Desired, Experience ina civilian or military health-physics laboratory
or experience in a similar capacity at previous atomic-weapon tests is desired.
(c) Best Source. The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) test groups stationed at Sandia Base are the best source.

Radiological-instrument Repairmen

(2) Job Description, These repairmen install, inspect, test, calibrate, maintain, and repair. all types of radiological-detection instruments. They inspect and test devices in order to


Select target paragraph3