air filter boxes, one located on top of the aircraft's cabin, just back
of the pilot's seat, and the other under the nose of the aircraft,


filter boxes were removed by pulling a lanyard attached to locking pins,
The lanyards were secured to the aircraft fuselage during flight and
were handy to ground crews,

The drone unit personnel built a special

rig with which to Lift the top filter box from the aircraft.

The bottom

filter holder was allowed to drop to the ground when the lanyard was

Atomic Enerey Commission personnel then dragged the boxes some

fifty feet away from the aircraft where they were disassembled to get at

the paper, All the operation’, with the exception of actually taking the
filter papers out of the holders and putting them into a lead sampler
container, were done by hand and personnel who handled these boxes wore

cotton gloves,

Tongs were used to actually get the filter papers off the

holders and into the containers.”

Some Special Problems,

During Operation SANDSTONE, radiochemical

experiments with drones held a high priority.

However, the "beeper®

pilots aboard the B-17 control aircraft had to have light to properly
place these samplers in the cloud.

On the other hand, a minimm of light

was necessary at the moment of detonation to accommodate yet another:
important scientific experiment and compromise was needed.”

While still

at Eglin Air Force Base, the drone unit began flying missions to determine
more precise light changes at altitude

and at ground level, just as dawn

approached, 57
After arrival to the islands, the drone unit began flying missions





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