ERDA with the People of Bikini has been the cause of nuch of
the damage already done to the Bikini community.
For exazple, it was AEC's recommendation that the
People might so pack to Bikini Island without appreciable
risk of exposure to radiation which lead to willingness on
the part of Bikineans, such as

to actually

take their families and return to Bikini.
By August end September, 1975, communication fron
different agencies of the United States Governnent to the
People of Bikini had become totally contradictory.
at the same tine a representative of ERDA vas at
Kili celling the People of Bikini that Bikini Island was



and that he would himself have no reservation about

living there, the Department of Interior was announcing
officially in Washington that the further Resettlerent of
Bikini Island must be stopped because of the apparent risks
of radiation based on the August 1975



preliminary reports by

For the People of Bikini, who have heard these
conflicting statements only in spoken form, in English
translated into Marshallese, without opportunity to review
the underlying scientific or technical documents in their
own language, the result has been confusion and heartbreak.
By their own terms, the August 1975 ERDA documents
are so preliminary in nature that expression of conclusions
as to safety of Bikini Island is not warranted.

The docu-

‘ments themselves state that many tests have yet to be com-

pleted, including such vitally important tests as that of
radioactivity of ground water at Eneu Island.


The People of Bikini have a strong desire to



Select target paragraph3