Mr. George Allen, Director of USIA, pointed out the advant-

ages of a U. S. airline route through the Soviet Jnion in reducing
the length of the flying time between the United States and Tokyo.

He also told the Council that he had recently heard that a well-known

U. S. aircraft designer had recently got together a group of individuals who were designing a replacement for the old DC-3 aircraft which
were now wearing out. This design had been taken to Germany, where
German industrialists figured they could build 6000 of these modernized DC-3 aircraft.
Messerschmidt was thought to be putting up a
factory to make these modern equivalents of the old IC-3.
The National Security Council:

Discussed the draft statement of policy on the subject
contained in NSC 5726, prepared by the NSC Planning

Board pursuant to NSC Action No. 1578; in the light

of the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff transmitted

by the reference memorandum of December 4, 1957.

Adopted the statement of policy in NSC 5726, subject
to the following:

Revision, by agreement between the Central Intel-

ligence Agency and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, of

paragraphs 5 and 6 and Annex B, regarding esti-

mates as to Soviet civil aircraft.


Deletion of the word "additional" from the 8th
line of paragraph 32.


Referral to the NSC Planning Board, for study and
recanmmendation, of the proposals by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff for an addition to subparagraph
22-b and a new paragraph to be inserted following paragraph 30.


The action in b-(1) above referred to the Director

of Central Intelligence and the Chairman, JCS, for

NSC 5726, as revised pursuant to b-(1) and -(2)

circulated as NSC 5726/1 for implementation by all

-— Than


above, subsequently approved by the President and
appropriate Executive departments and agencies of

the U. S. Government, and referred to the Operations
Coordinating Board as the coordinating agency designated by the President.

The action in b-(3) above referred to the NSC Planning Board for subsequent report to the Council.



Select target paragraph3