


sary 4

Je2o3o3 —

Study of diroct alr blast injurics in several

aninal species with regard to peak pressure,
duration of shock waves and mechanism of injury.

(HMB - sec Project M2, a, P. 1, 2)
3e20 304 — Study of combined action of biological warfare
agents and atomic bomb injury (MIS ~ see Project

WH, ped)

3e2o4 —

Specific physiological disturbances duc to atomic
bomb radiations

By2etol - Study of early histolocle changes after exposure
(M1 ~ see Project M-1, and Appendix)

3020 te2 —

Study of corly histochomical changes after

exposure (IME — sec Project 11, and appendix
Jo20te3 — Sceudy of carly chanzos in tissue and body—fluid
engyne systems; on —the-svot studios (0.K - sec
Zo2o tel -

Study of early changes in tissuc and body~fluid
enzyme systems — utilizing quick frozon material

transported to the United States for tests (WME gee .tpnendix)
Be2etted5 o Study of the hemorrhagic phase of radiation illness
(SUB — see Project H-8, and Appendix)

Ze2ete6 -

Study of effect of lonizing radiations from the bomb

on dental structures (HE — sce Project H-6, Page 4)
3 e205


Experinental therapy of atoric bomb radiation


Be2e5el +

Specific therapy of the nenmorrhagic state

(MN— see Project lt-7, Page 4)
Be2ed5ec -

Svecific therapy of bactericl complicntions (iD -

sce project M-7, Page 4) (ROCH — scc appendix)

5e2e5e3 -

Specific therapy with dietary factors, vitamins, ctr»

(1M — see Project HW-7, Page 4; sce also apoendix


ae Tie aod

Select target paragraph3