‘amore "I" to Oprs Order

d, Penctraticn of racioactive areas for the purpose of obtaining
3/31, Puciary, or Filtor collections will be nade only as directed by Raci:logical Sxfety Mcnitor abcsard,


e,. Clecer text weather messages will be originated by the aircraft
at such tices as significant inclement weather is cnesuntcrer, Such messa t
will be ineorperated with raciclcgical nessages,.
" ff, In the event an cnergency ariscs, normal Sm Froce“ures will >
uscd with request for SAR intcrecpt being passed fror. WS-29 to APIROWL. T
ACC KWAJALEE! will monitor oll reperts from W2-29's operating fron H # 12
Hours threush K
2 dcys anc renacr assistance to the SAR Center, KW)
AFFROV.L wild advise W3-29's of nearcst suitable larncing crea, However, +!
fincl cccision in a cll ccses rest with the atrerest Cotahter,
When cn sircraft ccclarcs an orergency he will regucst cn intcreept arn‘ ris
positicn rcperts in clear text,
g. WS-2$'s will transmit Merk 10 on Node 1 lew position while in
50 riles of the ENTWSTOK area,



Cl .ir Feil rreeccurce:

Use IPC pspcrs only,

Right site to

ance? evory three (3) hours, an3 Icft side cvery thirty (30) minutes

ss of altitude
inbs or deconts, cr chengos in aireraft
y tine,
coordinates, and altituce cf circraft on dota
provided in IC peper envelepe,

b. B/31 Crcrating Instructions: WILLLM FIVE will collect a B/32

somple of 275 TSI,


WILLD €1X and SVEN will not heve B/32 cquipncat


ce. édrerceft rressurizstion Proeofurcs: Each aireraft will :omsin
prcssurized until ir Radiolcegical Sefcty Monitor gives nctification of
entering the B/31 Sarpling Arca. Upon this notification, the airecreft will
be dcpressurizcd, cll enbin valves clesed, ond crow pleced on 100% cxvgon.

A 400 FSI supply of oxygen will service a ten (10) mon crew for four 44)

hours at 15,000 fect with 100% oxyecn flewn, When the cireraft oxrgor srr
reaches 100 PSI the aircraft will be headec ts an area ef uncontdninated 23
end the nissicn will be censidcred complete, Adreraft will thon procced
Cirect to KW.d.LEIN, However, routine tracking cpcration may be conducted
undcr pressurized conditicns aftcr the sumply of oxrgcn reachcs 100 rsI as
leng as the rate of contaninction is not cxcessive,

i 32.4.341

Select target paragraph3