make sense to have such an evaluation done at the start of the
program. Follow-up meetings with the people of Bikini and Enewetak
might provide direct feedback useful to a new program.
Mr. Richard Gerry, MIATLP, noted that in the Health Plan the medical
aspects of radiation are minimized, yet the Education and Information
Program was developed around premise of danger from radiation.
Mrs. Van Clever TIA, stated that eventually the three proposals wouldbe
integrated but that there had not been time to do prior to the December
10 meeting.
Mr. Gerry, MIATLP, queried as to wht.ther there would be training
provided to residents and provision of “education and information”
programs to residents who have moved away from their home atolls.
Mr. T. Mitchell, MLSC, stated that education of the Marshall Islands
Government and its officials on radiation effects is equally important.
He cited an endless stream of horror stories that emanate from the
Government of the Marshalls with respect to radiation effects in the
Marshalls as a result of the testing program.
Former Secretary Anton DeBrum thanked Mr. Mitchell for his belief
that the Government of Marshalls officials are capable of being
He had no other comments on Mr. Mitchell’s assertion of
horror stories emanating from the Government of the Marshalls. Mr.
DeBrum criticized DOE and its Education and Information contractor
for not consulting initially with designated MIG officials. The DOE
and Contractor team visit had come at a time when certain key MIG
officials were at the Kona Status talks. MIG had requested a postponement of visit until the key officials were back in the Marshalls
but DOE and contract team had ignored that request and had gone
ahead and met with other MIG officials.
Mr. Debrum also stated that the presentation again provided a sense
of deju vu. The Northern Marshalls Radiological Survey results
were.still awaited. Two years had gone by and Doe still had not
released the results. He pointed out that the Government of the
Marshalls does not beleive that radiation effects are restricted to
the four named atolls. MIG believes that radiation is elsewhere
in the Marshalls. The government cannot understand why DOE keeps
stalling with respect to releasing results of the Northern Marshalls
Raidological Survey.
With respect to one aspect of the Education and Information Plan,
he noted that the College of Micronesia was slated to play an
essential role. He wished to state that, to date, the Government
of the Marshalls has not taken a firm position on the role of the
College of Micronesia in the Marshalls and therefore, he could not
say that this aspect would be supported or could be followed.
He commented on the difficulties of transportation in an area as
widespread as the Marshalls and noted that the Government of the
Marshalls has tried to give Bikini and Enewetak transportation
requests priority.

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