Mr. T. Mitchell, (Micronesia Legal Services, Legal Advisor
for the people of Enewetak) stated that in his opinion, in
general, the Education and Information plan was a good one.
He thought
There was attention to practical realities.
though that there should be provision built into any plan
for continuous participation by the people of the named
atolls. He also wondered how the Education and Information
program would be coordinated with the medical and environmental
monitoring program. Such coordination was essential in his
Dr. Unrah agreed that coordination was essential and that
there would be continuous contact with the Government of the
Marshall Islands. Mr. Mitchell stressed that he was concerned
with “participation of the people of the four named atolls”
not with MIG. Possibly local “Advisory Committees” or
He also
Community Boards of Education could be established.
asked how transportation would be provided for the program.
Dr. Unrah indicated that there were a variety of transportation
aspects, all of which might be utilized, i.e.~ regular field
trip service, charter of local shipping, seaplane chartering,
use of regular MIG air service.
Mr. Mitchell queried whether the current Brookhaven Medical
program was able to operate using Marshalls public transportation. Dr. Vic Bond, Brookhaven Laboratory, stated that
Brookhaven has a chartered vessel that is also shared by the
environmental monitoring groups at times. It has not been
Dr. Bair
able to rely on local public transportation.
stated that local transportation would be a key to any
successful program and any contractor would have to put
provision of adequate transportation at top of the list.
Mr. Jeff Jefferson of MIATLP asked whether the program would
cover all aspects of radiation, i.e.f controversial issues as well
as ordinary issues? He wanted to know also who would select the
Dr. Unrah stated that it was anticipated that the program
would cover all aspects of radiation problems and that the
local magistrates or island councils would assist in selecting
the trainees working with the designated contractor.
Mr. Richard Gerry of MIATLP asked whether DOE would be in
Assistant Secretary
charge of implementing the proposal.
Ruth Clusen pointed out that under the current law, P.L. 96-205,
the Department of Interior is in charge of the implementation”
Mr. J. Weisgallr Legal Advisor for the people of Bikini? asked
whether the two booklets prepared for the Enewetak and Bikini
Dose and Risk Assessment meetings had been reviewed with the
respective groups of peoplef i.e., Enewetakese and Bikinians
Dr. Unrah stated that this had not
as their usefullness.
been done as yet but certainly would be part of any evaluation
program. Mr. Weisgall stated that in his opinion it would


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