, 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 4 Paul Spain, Manager EVOO soaaae 20 March 1953 (thru 7. L. Shipman) leo G. Chelius, 5-2 RAG@GAFE REIGIKEMERTS FOR PACIFIC PROVING CROURDS #1 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ko n venaih of evscrvaiions during & secwhwip te the Pasitis Proving Ground, we believe that the following are prine requisites in order to furmish adequate radiation protection to persoumel at that alte, de ‘“getablistmant of & wrking file badge dosinetry section, 2, Additional support fer the rapair and maintenance of radiation detestion iastrusents, 3. Metablishwert of « send~permanent had-tale organisation for PPG in order that there will be adequate contimiity between operational and inter-eperational periods, in order to achieve the first objective, 14 will be necessary to give adequate training in film badze dosiaeiry tc at least one person. This training would require from three to four weeks initially, tot eould probably be given either at LASL or cversess. An individual already wall trained in this field should be sunt to Bilwetck to assist in starting up the existing darkroom equipnert and to insure that the progran is started satisfactorily. The dariaoon appeared te be in good shape and there are adequate file badges cf the ailitery typeto get started. A densitencter and o radius ecurce for Salidbration purpeses wuld appear to be the only additional equipsent tgpla A radiwe source of spproximtaly 200 mgs would probably tools for a ef r FE receive more the pocket dosineters. ; [ Iteu mosber two could probably be most easily achieved by giving the sonprehenal the godtraining, wut that they should be sotated in test progran may nate greatest use of the experfense © received during previous tours of duty. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: p