¢0R OFFICIAL USE ONLY Paul Spain, Maneger EFOO 10 Mareh 1953 (thru £. L. Shipman) » There is another point whieh should be brought up 4 this tine, The stepped-up test progrem and continued use of real estate @ nbauinated ia ous teste is going to require much eleser liaison between the test groups, the sonstruction aad engineering groupe and the red-safe organisation, In order to de of eptimm services in the over-all — progres, the raé-eafe group sheuld not enly be familiar with the presert operations but also future plans insofar as is feasible. | Sines the progran at PPO is so fluid, it is difficult te recomend on orgunisation whieh would be adequate for a1] secntingencies. However, it would appear that a minisum requirement would be for one supervisery rad-eafe officer, ome person treined in fila badge dosinstry, and at ieast two rad-safe monitors. The H-l Group of LASL wild of sourse assist in any way pessible in the training of required personne] and in the initistion of the radsafe program. Leo G, Chelius ee: Paul Spain (4) Al Graves, J-biv, Dunean Curry, d-Div. Bill Ogie, J-Div. d=-Div, Piles B-Div,. Files Hel Piles MER FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY