This report is one of the reports presenting the results of the

34 projects participating in the Military Effects Teats Progres of

Operation CASTLE, which included six test detonations, For readers
interested in other pertinent test information, reference is made to
WT-934, Summary Report of the Commander, Task Unit 13, Programs 1-9,

Military Effects Program. This summary report incluies the following
information of possible generel interest.
a. An over-all description of each detonation, including yield,

height of burst, ground sero location, time of detonation,
ambient atmospheric conditions at detonation, etc., for the


six shots.
Discussion of all project results.
A summary of each project, including objectives and results.
A complete listing of all reports covering the Military
Effects Tests Program.

The treatment end analyses of samples and the interpretation of
the results in determining the characteristics of the bomb debris from
Operation CASTLE required extensive participation by many individuals.

The experimental measurements consisting of (a) Chemical, (b) Physical,
and (c) Radiochemical Studies are presented in Chapters 3,4, and 5,

The participation in each phase of the work is described

The Chemical Studies consisted of observations and measurements
made at the site and analyses for major ané minor constituents at the

U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (USNRDL).

The field studies

and the preparation of Chanter 3 were directed by C.F. Miller, D.Sam,
A.E. Greendale, and U.J. Nuckolls carried on the preparation of the samples including the general observations, pre-treatment and aliquoting.

The Physical State Studies were performed by R.Cole who also prepared the
portion of Chapter 3 presenting the results of these studies, The oxida-

tion states of Np and I were determined by %.J. Heiman and J.¥. Pestaner,

Select target paragraph3