respectively. M, Honma aided by J.D. O'Connor determined the major constituents in the fallout samples and the background samples of coral and
sea water; R.W. Rinehart aided by J.A. Seiler analyzed them for the trace
elements, An ion exchange procedure for separating some of the radio~

nuclides was developed at the site by C.F, Miller and J.F. Pestaner,

Studies of the physical properties of fallout material involved

development of collecting devices, collection of samples in the field,

and analyses of samples at USNRDL. This work was done under the direction
of T.C. Goodale. Chapter 4 was prepared by P.D. LaRiviere and C.E,.


In it are discussed the measurements of the physical properties

of the fallout made on samples from an electrostatic precipitator, liquid
droplet collector, and filter samplers. The sample collections were made

by E.C,. Evans III, J.P. Wittman, J.V. Zaccor, and N.R. Wallace,


physical analyses were performed at USNRDL by P.D, LaRiviere, T.C. Good-

ale, N.H. Yariow, C,B, Adams, S,X, Ichiki, J.P. Wittman, N.R. Wallace,
J.V¥. Zaccor, and J.T. Quan. The special film used in the electrostatic
precipitator was developed by N.H. Farlow and F.A. French.
Chapter 5 which described the Radiochemical Studies was prepared
by LeR. Bunney and C.F. Miller aided by B. Singer, L.H. Gevantman and

WJ. Heiman,

Studies of neutron induced radionuclides were directed by

L.4. Gevantman. The decay and adsorotion measurements were started at
the site by C.F, Miller. D.Sam and W.J. Heiman, and followed at later
times at USNRDL by L.D. McIsaac, L.R, Bumnney and E,W, Roberts. The
interpretation of these data as presented in this report was made by
W.J. Heiman. The gamma analyser was converted from an alpha analyser
at the site by D.F. Covell and M.S. Eichen. The field readings of the
samples were made by all members of Project 2.6a present at the site.
W.J. Heiman and C.F, Miller interpreted the data for the report,

analysis of Na24 was performed by B. Singer.


Radiochemical analyses

for fission product and heavy element radionuclides were performed at

USNRDL under the direction of LR. Bunney, B.C. Freiling, and Ll, Wish.
Fission product measurements were made by E.M. Scadden, S.A. Ring, LeD.
McIsaac, J.A. Seiler, and S.C. Foti. Heavy element measurenents were

made by M.H. Rowell and J.N. Pascual.
L.H. Gevantman prepared the pretest report.
Lt. Col. EA. Martell, USA, provided valuable suggesti
throughout the planning and execution of the project. Capt. B. Benmw ut, USN,
contributed both by his advice and aid in making the scintillation
Spectrometer measurements at the site.


E.R. Tompkins was the project officer and L.B. Kerner was his

Select target paragraph3