Mr. William Streenan

August 24, 1977

John Rothmann, Douglas Clareus and Robert Miltenberger

Arrive Hono 10/1/77

UA Fit 5

Depart Hik 10/3/77 0800 to Kwaj
Depart Kwaj 10/5/77 1310 to Ent

8 PM

MAC Fit Y533H
MAC Flt 0834

Depart Ent 10/25/77 to Kwaj MAC Fit 0833
Depart Kwaj 10/26/77 to Hono MAC Flt Y534H

Rothmann and Clareus will need rooms and a vehicle in Hono Oct. 1, 2, 26, 27, 28

and Kwaj Oct. 3, 4, 25.

Robert Miltenberger will need a room in Hono Oct. 1, 2 and Kwaj Oct. 3, 4, 25.

My FTS number is 664-3658 if you have problems.
Thank you very much.



John Rothmann

Medical Research Center


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