(5) The last evidence of the existence of GEORGIA was noticed the next
day when @ squall area, tracked by surface radar, passed just south
of ENIWETOK moving rapidily westward,

Weather at ENIWETOK was very

poor during the day with overcast cloud cover, scattered squalls,
and a 30 knot gusty wind from the east,


The total effect of GRORGIA upon Operation GREENHOUSE was a one
day postponement of DOG shot necessary because of the heavy rainfall and the disruption of normal routine while preparing for possible emergency.

b Doc SHOT:


DOG-X~RAY rehearsal was completed without incident.

Briefing charts

were finalized, times ef conferences established, and methods of
presentation clarified,

DOG-x-RAY weather forecasts were verified

in all essentials,


DOG shot weather briefings commenced at H minus 78 hours, and continued at 12 hour intervals, with the Il minus 6 hours briefing ternminating formal conferences,

At the first briefing, a generalized

forecast for "average trade wind conditions! was issued, and the
operation order was issued,


This forecast remained essentially unchanged,

‘The appearance of a

cirrus cloud overcast on the morning of 7 April 1951 caused some
alarm, but when it was established by a special flight
that the
base of the overcast was above 30,000 fcet, concern
was eliminated,

In the late after-noon of DOG minus 1 (7 April
1951), & special
reconnaissance was flown to the east of ENIWETOK
ina C-47 manned

by Weather Central personnel,

A broken layer of strato-cumulus

cloud was encountered, and based upon experience
and calculations it

was forecast to arrive over ENIWTOK at about
O400, 8 April 1951,
and to pass over by O600,


Weather conditions and the forecast were disc
ussed in detail at
H minus 6 hours briefing. ALL conditions
were considered favorable,
including upper winds for part
icle fall-out,


The only departure from forecast weat
her conditions resulted from
the untimely arrival of the
strato~cumulus cloud deck
from the -east

10 minutes before shot time,
causing some interference wit













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