GOERGIA apparently devcloped as a cyclonic eddy on the left side

of this deep current and was first reported westnorthwest of PONAPE
on 18 March 1951 by an aircraft on a routine weather reconnaissance
mission duty from GUAM,

From the arca near PONAPE, GEORGIA moved

almost due east, gradually increasing in intensity and passing
about 30 miles south of KWAJALEIN during the evening of 20 March
1951, disrupting all operations in that arca because of extremely
heavy rainse



in-flight rcconnaissance reports established definitely that GEORGIA

changed from a tropical disturbance to n typhoon some time between
midnight of 20 March 1951, and the afternoon of 21 March 1951.


2000 hours on 21 Narch 1951, evidence of stagnation and curvature
to the north was apparent, and at the 12002 Somnmanders! weather

briefing, 22 March 1951, the potential threat to the ENTWSTOK AREA
offered by complete re-curvature was pointed out,

At this time a

special weather watch was established in headquartors, and arrangements for rapid communications with the Weather Central on ENIWETOK
were completed. The last report on GEORGIA which can be accopted

as & valid typhoon report was made 0630Z, 23 March 1951.

Ab that

time GEORGIA was in the vicinity of 11° north and 171° east, approx
imately 450 miles cast of ENIWETOK ATOLL,

After analysis of the

evening reconnaissance Summary that day, definite advice was issued

from Headquarters, Joint Task Force THREE that GEORGIA was weakening.
The next scheduled reconnaissance flight aborted and there were no
useful reports available for almost 14 hours.

In an effort to am-

plify information, Commander, Task Group 3.3 was requested to send
out anti-submarine planes from KWAdJALEIN in an offort to make a positive or negative report on the existence of an "BYE",

All reports

were negative,


At 01352, 2h March 1951, a center of moderate low pressure was located by reconnaissance aireraft 240 miles eastsouthcast of ENIWETOK
and it was definitely established that GEORGIA was no longer a typhoon,

Special weather watches were sceurcd in the early evening

of 2 March 1951,


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