ENIWMTOK and for the reof critical weapon components and scientific instruments to
A total of 9

turn of radioactive cloud samplos requiring varly Laboratory anilysi

nts and scientific
westbound flights were dispatched to deliver the weapon compone
shot samples.

A total of 22 castbound flights were utilized in the return of postSpecial security and salvage measures were taken on all flights carry-

ing weapon components. ‘Sample materials were given expeditioushandling by transfc
to waiting aircraft at HICKAM Air Force Base and by direct flight from HICKAM Air
Force Base to KIRTLAND Air Force Basc,


Responsibility for ensuring radiological safety followed command lines.

Each element of the task force, operating in the vicinity of radiation, had its own
trained personnel.

Radiation dosages of personnel, in general, were maintained well

‘selow pre-established levels,

The permissible radiological exposure was established

at O,7 roentgen per calendar week.

This tolorance, slightly morc Liberal than the

current 0.3 roentgen per week limit used for continuously exposed radiation Llabora—
tory personnel, was adopted.

Under unusual circumstances, an additional accumulated

exposure up to three roentgen in specific cases, where required for a Limited number
of individuals, could be authoriazed by the Commander.

RADTAC (Radiation Detection,

Indication and Computation) equipment performed adequately when used for the purpese
for which it was designed.

standard airborne RADIAC. cquipment is non-


existent, however, a need exists for continued development work in this field,


out predictions, with particular reference to health hagards of significance to the
task force as well as to personnel in areas outside the immediate ENTWETOK Danger
Area, were made the focus of particularly carcful study.

Upper wind analysis and

trends of upper air resultant wind patterns, together with fali~out data on particulete matter, were of especial imporbance in operational decisions,

Additions and

improvements in. fall-out predictability were evalved on successive shots from Lessons
learned on preceding shots,

Slight fall-out, of no significance as a health havard,

occurred on inhabited arcas of the ENTWETOK ATOLL after "DOG" and "ITEM" shots.


prompt fall-out which occurred after "DOG" shot was unexpected, ainco large particle
fall-out had not been observed on Operation SANDSTONE.

Obher shots had their maximui

fall-out over uninhabited islands of the atoll and over the open ocean.


on Operation GREENHOUSE has shown clearly that present highly sensitive instruments
tend to greatly alarm even well trained laboratory technicians and Service trained
honitors who work with Laboratory dosage standards and instruments.








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