The drone radio control systen should be reengineered to utiliac UHF (about 400-1.50
far Less
mes), rather than the present 30-40 mcs band, and to render the equipment
susceptible to interference,

TG 3,4 operated the following nircraft: 16 QB-17 drones

16 DB-1? mothers, 5 QT-33 drones, 5 DI--33 mothers, 1 B+l7 RADIAC airplanc, 1 P2v

RADIAG airplane, 12 WH-29s, 1 XB-47, 4 BeSOs, 6 F-20Cs, 16 I-13s, 7 1-58, 4 HA5s,
Experimental aircraft, both manned and drone

2 Sh-lés, 2 SB-l7s, 5 C-47s and 1 C-54.
were flown successfully on all tests,

Control difficulties inherent in the use of

drone jets contributed to the loss of three of these aircraft.

One (L) B+L7 drone

on the last test was lost to remote control during the pre-detonation orbit and
arashed immediately prior to the detonation.

year's operation at ENIWEZTOK.

‘Three (3) L-13s werc lost during a

‘There wos one fatality as a result of air operations.

The peak strength of TC 3.4 overseas was 2,397 personnel,

The organization of Ta

3,4, is shown in Appendix "N¥",

Coincident with the roll-up of the operating forees, 4 residual military

garrison of 31 officers and 35% enlisted men was organived under the Commander, Task
' Groun 3.2, and based on ENITWETOK ISLAND,

The AC's contractor organized a 452 man

labor force, based on PARRY ISLAND, to carry on remaining ALC responsibilities in
mainbaining the proving ground facilities and in accomplishing the final clean up of

The military garrison force was organized from the elements

of the three military task groups,

This garrison force wis designed to maintain

stored Armed Forces equipment, provide Local security of ENITWETOK ATOLL, support the
U.S. Coast Guard Long range navigation (LORAN) station on ENIWETOK ISLAND, operate
minimun base facilities, and conbinuc the installation in operational condition for
use by succeeding task forces.

On L July 1951, the Conmander in Chief, Pacific and

U.S. Pacific Fleet (CINCPAC) assumod responsibility for movement control, logistic
support, and area security of the BNIWATOK area,

Technical control over operation

of the ENIWETOK PROVING CROUND remained with JTF-3.

On 31 July 1951, those remains

ing military units assigned to JTF-3 were transferred to Joint Task Force 132.


erational control of other military JTP-3 clements, not organically assigned, was
assumed by Joint Task Force 132 on the same date,

“The anG's Manager of Santa Fe

Operations is responsible for AEC activities at ENIWETOK.

The. organization of the

garrison force is shown in Appendix "ol,


The Military Air Transport Service furnished special airlift for delivery

Select target paragraph3