
Consideration was given to limiting the CASTLE progres

to a maximum of four shots and deferring the remaining tests to a
Later operation.

While this wuld be favorable from the point of

view of simplifying and shortening the CASTLE Operation, 1b would
not be consistent with the maxinum effort toward thermonuclear

It would also involve preater expense inherent in tuo

scparate operations. |




ree ree

| Radiation hagand of these over-water shots

appears gufficiontly low to permit firing at the close tine intervals anticipated.

The instrumentation mounted on the islands could,

if not damaged, service threa shots probably as well ag two,

The CASTLE program recommended in this paper is believed

to be the maximum practicable program. It covers all available
pessibllities for providing an emergency capability and should furnish an excellent basis for the future develorment of thermnuclear
wea pons.

Select target paragraph3