the atomic defense preparations that would be required
Installment, p. 128).

(Reference 14, May

To implement these requirements,

the "Navy Task

Group placed radsafe under Damage Control in accordance with routine or-

ganizational practices”

(Reference 9, p. 83).

It was the responsibility

of the commanding officer of each ship or unit to ensure that his personnel obtained adequate training in atomic defense measures and radiological

that washdown systems were properly installed and functioning,

and that the ship's Atomic Defense Bill
instruments and protective clothing)

(including allotments of radiac

was properly filled.

Schools for radiological defense were located at the Fleet Training
Centers at San Diego and Pearl Harbor, but specific information on training activities before deployment of individual units is sparse.

The Under-

water Detection Unit,, sent 1 man to San Diego for a l-week course
at the Radiological Safety School, and the Boat Pool Unit,, sent
40 men to the same facility for 2 weeks of training.

Furthermore, all boat

pool petty officers were given 2 weeks of training at the radsafe school.

the final report of TG 7.3 simply states that ship commanders

were responsible for the training of their men and reporting them ready
“to carry out their radsafe missions"

(Reference 11, pp.

3b-2 through

No information has been found on the literature or curriculum that instructors used in the Navy courses.

According to the Radiological Safety

Plan the basic guidance for conducting radsafe operations was in the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery publication, Radiological Safety Regulations (NavMed P-1325; Reference 20).

This was to be applied to test oper-

ations with some reservations, however, since

(Reference 21, Annex G-I-4):

- « . its provisions do not apply for special operations
such as field tests and. . . for such operations naval
personnel will operate under regulations set forth by the
Task Force commander as approved by the Chief of Naval


Select target paragraph3